The Laurie Berkner Band's new music video DVD "We are the Laurie Berkner Band" debuted at number one on the Billboard Music Video DVD chart this week. An impressive accomplishment and well deserved honor. I first came across Laurie Berkner's music several years ago when I was looking for children's music for our English school in Tokyo. As soon as I heard a few of her songs, I got that feeling you get when you "discover" a great but little known restaurant or an emerging author. I thought she'd be the next big thing!
She really knew how to communicate with children, she was funky and cool without a hint of pretentiousness, and she could really craft a tune. Her songs could be as simple as an acappela rap or include just hand claps, or an organ, an ukulele, a tuba...whatever fit the song and the emotions it communicated.
Her voice is at times reminscient of a warm Joni Mitchell or a countrified Emmylou Harris, and at other times brings to mind more alternative fare like Tori Amos or Ani Difranco (to whom she's frequently compared.) Yet, she's always distinctively Laurie Berkner, to the point where I hear Laurie's influence in other artists' work. Have a listen to "I'm a mess" on her album "Buzz Buzz" and tell me whether or not you think Gwen Stefani may have been influenced by Laurie on her recording of Hollaback Girl.
The songs seem organic, something that is sometimes lacking on kids' albums which feature a variety of musical styles. It feels like "I'm a Mess" is a rap not because she thought it would be neat to include a little rap number, but because nothing could have expressed the emotion of that song better than a simple, playful rap.
One of the best compliments you can give to good children's music, in my opinion, is "my kids know all the words by heart." The themes of Laurie's songs aren't always simple, but the lyrics are, allowing even toddlers to sing them while not being boring or babyish for older kids. Have a look at the Amazon reviews of Laurie's CDs and you'll see review after review saying things like, "my kids sing these songs all the time"..."my 2-year old knows all the words and makes up dances for all the songs" and similar sentiments, yet Laurie Berkner is enjoyed by kids well up to their teens.
It's the same gift that Dr. Seuss had, to communicate sometimes complex, sometimes simple ideas that appeal to kids of all ages, but using language simple enough for toddlers to follow and participate with. I think the great children's musicians do that, and Laurie certainly falls in that category.
It wasn't until a few weeks after I had stumbled upon Laurie's music that I learned I hadn't "discovered" anything at all, and that she was already tremendously popular with children and parents who had loved her albums for years and watched Laurie all the time on the Noggin network (which I have yet to see.) She has been reaching a large and grateful audience for years, and while I might have come across her work a little late, I'm really happy to see her music reach so many people.
If you haven't given her music a listen yet (unlikely if you live in the U.S. and you are around kids a lot), you can catch her and her band on The Today Show in the U.S. on March 10th in the U.S., or watch some of her video's at Noggin's website, or of course you can find her at iTunes.
You can also find nice, printable Laurie Berkner song lyrics at Noggin.
I bought this for my daughters and they LOVE it! They wont let me change the DVD in the car because this is in there and they don't want to stop watching it. Even my 18 month old sings along (in her own way!) with the "Ooo-ah" (Walk Along the River), "Roar!!!" (We Are the Dinosaurs), "Mooo" and "Baaa" (Pig on Her Head) and "Buh-buh-buh" (Bumblebee) A great DVD!
Posted by: Nicole | August 22, 2007 at 03:48 PM
The kids I babysit for are SO sick of Laurie Berkner. They are really into Joanie Leeds "City Kids" these days. It's not "dumbed-down" at all and they are obsessed with the songs. The best part is, I don't want to gauge me ears out with a spoon after I've listened to the CD once..twice..ten times. In fact, I'm really starting to fall in love with her version of "Our House" by CSNY. But the kids are most fascinated with her songs "Tongue Twister" "Ice Cream" and "Lizzie Spins". Check it out on
Posted by: Samantha | February 04, 2008 at 01:44 PM